I have the privilege and honor of releasing a new album on the wonderful Earth Mantra netlabel. Fractured textures and drones; Autumnal daydreams and reflections... I hope you enjoy!
This is the latest collaborative output by Jacob Newman and myself entitled 'Coalesce'. The pieces of music herein are out takes from various improvisational studio sessions. Once Again, we have the honor of releasing with the wonderful Earth Mantra netlabel. Darrell Burgan, who heads up Earth Mantra, was kind enough to master this body of work! I hope you enjoy!
Once again I have the distinct honor of having my works available on the wonderful Earth Mantra net label. This is my latest album entitled 'Descend'. Winter ambience; anticipating the coming spring... I hope you enjoy! http://earthmantra.com/descend
I'm honored to have a new two track e.p. available on the new 'Audio Gourmet' netlabel. The concept of the label, as put forth by ambient artist and label head Harry Towell, was to create "a netlabel to showcase a collection of short albums and E.Ps that can be listened to in full during a standard working tea-break."
I'm very pleased to announce my latest ambient release on the wonderful Earth Mantra netlabel; 'Seasons Within'. Improvised drones and tonations.... Autumn reflections....